Nanoacoustics I (MATR320), Spring 2024
Lecturer: Prof. Ari Salmi (Ph.D), ari.salmi(at)
Assistant: Topi Pudas (B.Sc.), topi.pudas(at)
Feel free to contact the course assistant with any questions or concerns relating to the course.
Page updated: 22.2.2024
- Final presentation 29.2. (submit slides by email on same date)
- Final report deadline 17.3.
Total course points: 0-100 (+3)
- 40% from exercises
- 4 tasks per week | 2 points per task | 5 exercise sets
- 40 grading points maximum
- 20% from lecture attendance
- Over 70 % = 20 grading points
- Over 50 % = 10 grading points
- 40% from home exam
- Grading criteria (total 0-40 points)
- Accuracy (10 points)
- Thoroughness (10 points)
- Cleanliness / professionalism (10 points)
- Oral presentation (10 points)
- 1 extra point per question (up to 3) asked in presentation session
- Grading criteria (total 0-40 points)
Final Project
On a topic of their choice relating to nanoacoustics, each student submits a written literature review and holds a 12(+3) minute oral presentation. The final project accounts for 40% of the course grade (graded 0-40 points), where 25% of points are awarded from the oral presentation and 75% from the written report.
Final Project Topics. If you have decided or need to change your topic for any reason, please contact the course assistant!
- Oral presentation:
- The presentation date is 29.2.2024
- Attendance in presentation session is mandatory for passing the course
- Presentation should be 12 minutes long, after which there is 3 minutes reserved for questions. Each student may get up to 3 extra course points, one for each question asked from your peers (if you ask 3+ questions during the presentations, you will get 3 points)
- Final report:
- The report deadline is 17.3.2024
- The report should be thorough and concise, while not exceeding 5-6 pages.
- Grading of the written report:
- 10 points from ‘accuracy’: how factually correct the report is
- 10 points from ‘thoroughness’
- 10 points from ‘professionalism’ (cleanliness)
- Submission:
- Submit two separate pdf-files (presentation slides and the final report) to the course assistant by email: topi.pudas (at)
Mon 14:15-16:00 | Physicum D104
Thu 14:15-16:00 | Physicum D116
Lecture materials are made available after each lecture.
Fridays 12:15-14:00 | Physicum D115
Exercises (updated each week) are to be completed prior to the exercise sessions. Students present their solutions during the sessions, and possible mistakes and/or ambiguities are discussed collectively.